Recent analysis by Textio highlights significant disparities in feedback given to men and women, revealing that women often receive vague, unactionable feedback focused on personality rather than work. This disconnect is critical, as top performers who receive unclear feedback are almost twice as likely to leave their companies. Effective, actionable feedback is essential not only for individual growth but also for retaining top talent and driving long-term organizational success.
Tag: Setting Expectations
“Take” a Good Impression… and Transform Your Professional Relationships
In our professional lives, we often approach new roles and relationships with the mindset of making a good impression. However, the true art lies not in how forcefully we make our mark, but in how well we are able to make a meaningful mark in light of the context, which requires us to first take in the impressions around us.
“Must we tell a baker to bake?”…Sometimes, yes – to get what we want
What we think is obvious often isn’t. We know we need to spend the time having the (sometimes awkward or uncomfortable) chat re expectations. What strategies can we use to help us make it easier?